The Last Sunrise of my Life
The sunrise ushers in a new day and the poet wonders what she would do if this was the last sunrise of her life. Turning philosophical, she talks about how she spends every day as though it is her last.
The last sunrise of my life...
a thought with questions so rife.
But hey! I have reluctantly waited so long
to conclude this mishmash of a life song.
I tried my best to live every sunrise like it was the last.
Persistently struggling between the future and the past.
Collecting stories, churning tales out of trials,
dodging and ducking to avoid all denials.
I could jot down a list of things to do
finding closures in a person or two.
Or, smacking my lips with that Shimla snack,
Perhaps spending it all with the ones who've had my back.
But one sunrise is all too less,
to circle back to all that’s left to confess.
So maybe I’d just write with the last sunrise,
immortalising what’s been lived by the wise in disguise.